This game is an extended and improved version of the renowned classic arcade Maldita Castilla, originally created by the indie Locomalito.

While it's not as out-and-out frustrating as other titles, you will curse the game and chuck a controller at more than a few points: For example, the only way to proceed is by learning the patterns of each stage, each enemy, and each boss. Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) An arcade action platformer full of creatures from medieval myths from Spain and the rest of Europe, as well as from chivalric romances. Still, the guts of Cursed Castilla is paying homage to older games, and the challenge is considerable. There aren't many video games that reach a broader mainstream audience set in Middle Ages Spain (Don Quixote makes an appearance, even, as a boss), and there aren't that many games with windmills and other vibrant, interesting locales. Cursed Castilla has a certain charm that comes from its much-appreciated and welcomed different setting. Quickly dispatch the three imps, then carefully make your way to the left past two shield. This has made our day Please fix the controls on this game. Once he is defeated, continue to the right past two more shield knights and drop down into the gap. For example, although three hits will kill you, you have an endless supply of continues (an option not afforded to retro gamers back in the day). We built a small arcade cabinet just for the original Maldita Castilla. The above comparison to old '80s Nintendo games is apt and a shorthand for a game that wields a brutal challenge but thankfully a few modern concessions. This is a simple and super-solid action title that's an obvious throwback to classic video games.