
Maskerade nl
Maskerade nl

It's been almost fifteen years since I've seen this gem and I still pray everyday to see it again. And let's all support the film archives who's job it is to find, preserve and present these forgotten wonders of early cinema. Let us all support classic film and the screening of movies on the big screen where they were meant to be seen. IT'S A CHARMING MASTERPIECE! Now I'm a student of Ernst Lubitsch, Frank Capra and Billy Wilder and this film should be shown again to the public where they too can celebrate this delightful film on par with the work of these masters.


Several strangers near by turned to one anther with the same question on their lips, "Is it just me, or was that the best movie we've ever seen?' Quickly the electricity zoomed around the room and it was confirmed! The rapturous talk about this film spread like wild fire. The lights came up after the end credits were over and we rose to our feet dumb founded. When I saw it with a small group of surprised film buffs a very unusual experience happened. The German language original version hardly got any play. Unfortunately Loy was in a contract dispute and Luise Rainer was substituted with mixed results. The reviews from Variety and the New York Times said this was a wonderful, sophisticated, romantic comedy but that this Austrian version had been bought so that MGM could remake the film with Myrna Loy and William Powell.

maskerade nl

It had been scheduled because no one had run the print in decades and the programmer was curious.

maskerade nl

I seen thousands of rare films, this is one of the BEST! I saw this film in the mid-1980's a film archive screening of a 35mm pristine print.

Maskerade nl